
Cost of Membership:
- Adult annual membership fee - $35
- Youth (15-18) annual membership fee - $20
Prospective members are invited to visit two meetings before joining the guild, choosing day, night, or both. Please check in at the welcome table.
Membership Application (PDF)
Day Meeting - Held at Grace Lutheran Church at 12:30 pm, members can choose to visit this meeting and experience a business meeting, charity quilt work, and social time.
Night Meeting - Held at Grace Lutheran Church at 6:30pm, members can choose to visit this meeting and experience a business meeting, guest educators, and social time beginning at 5:30pm.
Meeting Location:
321 South Madison Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
View the meetings page for upcoming topics.
About the Guild
Our History
Evergreen Quilters Guild, Green Bay, WI is an organization founded in 1982. As a group, our goal is to promote knowledge and appreciation of the art and heritage of quilt making. It is open to anyone interested in quilts or quilting. We meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, in the basement of the Grace Lutheran Church, 321 S. Madison St., Green Bay, WI.
View the Brochure about the Guild.
Besides a monthly meeting, our guild offers classes throughout the year, taught by the presenters. We also hold a quilting retreat or camp twice a year. The camps and retreats are dedicated to completing our projects without the interruptions usually found at home.
We send out a monthly newsletter that keeps you updated on all guild activities.
Additionally, we hold an annual workshop that is dedicated to making charity quilts, however, our members also work on charity quilts at home all year long.
Current Stats
We have over 160 members at this time and would love to have you come and visit. You may visit 2 times before we ask that you join our group. Our membership year is from June - May. You can fill out a registration form to become a member.
Quilt Show
Every two years we hold a judged quilt show in which non-members can enter quilts. This show is one of the biggest in the area. The proceeds from it go to funding our monthly programs and other guild expenses.
Educational Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the fund is to promote quilting educational scholarships for EVQG members, school-age quilt camp attendees, and non-members. There are some eligibility requirements in the policies. We take applications by Sept. 15 and March 15. The committee reviews the applications by Sept 30 and March 30 and notifies the requestor.
So, what does this mean for you? Is there a quilting technique you want to learn, do you want to get certified to be an appraiser, do you want to be quilt judge, do you want to learn the history of textiles, do you have a young person in your life wanting to learn quilting?
Apply for an Educational Scholarship and all or part of it could be paid. The class can be local, in a different city or online. The money comes with a string attached… you do have to agree to present your learning in some fashion to the guild. A few options include a demo or program for the guild (if presenting a program, you will not be eligible to receive a program fee for the presentation), write an article in the newsletter, create a video for Facebook or YouTube for guild members to view, do a demo at the quilt show, etc.
Educational Scholarship Application Form